How to Check Scrap Metal Prices in Columbus, OH

Got pieces of an old car or an electronic item that you need to dispose of? Many recycling centers in Columbus, Ohio will not only take these things off your hands but will also pay you for them. Before you rush down to the nearest available center in Franklin County, you’ll want to see which one will give you the best price for your used goods.

To learn how to check scrap metal prices in Columbus, OH, check out the resources below.

Where Can I Find Average Prices in Columbus, OH?

Locating average scrap metal prices in Columbus, OH, can be as simple as looking at websites like Scrap Metal Pricer or Recycling Monster. Both of these sites have different types of scrap metal, in addition to average price ranges. For instance, the average price per pound for aluminum siding is $0.25. In comparison, you’ll get between $0.10 and $0.11 per pound for cast iron.

Another way you can find average prices is to find local recycling centers that accept scrap metal. You can usually do this by using keywords and phrases like “scrap metal prices near me” or “current scrap metal prices in Columbus, Ohio.” Your search engine should return results, such as Buckeye Recycling Center on E Fulton St. Since Columbus has a population of 898,533, you should find a variety of centers.

Once you have a list, you can check the recycling centers’ websites to see the prices for each type of scrap metal. Ohio Drop Off Recycling Center maintains an online price list for common items. If you plan on dropping off items in bulk, you may need to call ahead to see what price range you can get.

What Do I Need to Know Before I Call?

Once you know which businesses recycle or buy scrap metal in Columbus, Ohio, you’ll need to get your ducks (or scraps) in a row. Here’s a list of what to prepare:

  • Identify the type of scrap metal or item, such as a car battery.
  • Determine whether one or more recycling centers will accept your item(s).
  • Research which center has the highest average price for your item(s).
  • Determine how many pounds of scrap metal you have or the weight of your item(s).
  • Figure out how you’re going to transport your item(s) to the center and if the weather will be a factor. Average temperatures in the Midwest can range between a high of 36 degrees in the winter and 85 degrees in the summer. You can also check current road conditions here.

How Can I Figure Out the Weight of My Car?

If you still have your owner’s manual, you can usually find the weight of your vehicle there. But if you’ve lost or misplaced your manual, you can look at the inside frame of the driver’s side door. On that frame, there should be a sticker that lists the curb weight. The curb weight is what your car weighs without any drivers, passengers, or stored contents.

Of course, there may be some situations where you cannot access either the owner’s manual or the sticker inside the door frame. In these cases, it’s best to look online. You’ll need to know the year, make, and model of your vehicle. It’s also a good idea to have the trim level on hand.

On average, a compact or economy car weighs between two and three tons. A mid-sized vehicle typically comes in at four tons on the scale. Sports utility vehicles and large trucks usually weigh five tons. That weight may not matter when you junk your car. What matters is the weight of the scrap metal, copper wiring, and electronic parts from your stripped vehicle.

Depending on the age of your car, you may have a larger percentage of aluminum versus steel or vice versa. This is because older cars tend to have more steel, while newer models are heavier on aluminum. Typically, you’ll find about 350 pounds of aluminum and 2,400 pounds of steel in more recent makes and models. Another way to figure average pounds for steel is to calculate 55% of your car’s curb weight.

If you’d rather know the exact weight and what you’ll get for your vehicle, you can try calling a junk or salvage yard. The junk or salvage yard may give you an estimate for what your vehicle’s parts are worth if you junk it.

If you need to junk your car, Junk Car Medics buys junk cars for cash in Columbus, and we'll be glad to help you out.

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